This video is one of my favorites because I leerned something new. This is what savants are. According to Dr. Darold Treffert, there are three types of savants: a normal savant who has a skill that is not useful, a gifted savant who has a conspicuous skill, and a prodigious savant who has an amazing skill. In this video several stories were narrated but that one that mostly impacted me was the one narrating Tommy McHigh life. He had an accident that caused him brain impairment. After this he became a savant. He was left him because he became obsessive with painting. Dr. Alice Flahery, from Hardvard University studied him and concludes that the bleeding caused by the damage on Tommy’s brain had caused pressure in his frontal and temporal lobes, producing instability and creativity. I believe it is very cool to be a savant but sometimes I would like to be consider normal then to be alone as Tommy is.
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