The Teenage Brain
Watching this video in psychology helped me understand why teenager act the way they. It was interesting how I could relate myself with what the video was informing. For example it is said that teenagers have to sleep 9 hours, yet many don’t do it; this including me. When I don’t sleep well (which is most of the time) I don’t pay attention in class and most of the day I feel weak. Another thing I related with was the fact that my emotions change so quickly. One day I can be happy, the other sand, and back again I could be happy. Sometimes I thought it was only me, but this video made me realize that teenagers are all the same way. It was also interesting how I could relate my life to some of the examples of families the video gave. For example my brother and I always fight for non sense things and say tell each other that we hate ourselves but 5 minutes later we act as if nothing happened. In conclusion, this video helped me in the understanding of who was I and that I’m not the only person that acts the way I do.
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