Friday, April 1, 2011

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness
and frequent daytime sleep attacks. The most common symptoms of narcolepsy are:
periods of extreme drowness evert 3 to 4 hours during a day. You may feel a
strong urge to sleep, often followed by a short nap. This period can last for
about 15 minutes, although they can be longer. They often occur after eating,
but may occur while driving, talking to someone, or during other situations in
the life of the person who has this disorder. Narcolepsy is a nervous system
disorder, not a mental illness. Anxiety does not cause narcolepsy. Experts
believe that narcolepsy is caused by reduced amounts of a protein called
hypocretin, which is made in the brain. What causes the brain to produce less
of this protein is unclear .Narcolepsy tends to run in families. This means
that if you have it it’s because your parents or grandparents have it too.  Conditions that cause insomnia, such as
disrupted work schedules, can make narcolepsy worse.

There is no known cure for narolepsy. The goal of
treatment is to control symtoms.

Narcolepsy appears throughout the world in every racial and ethnic group, affecting males and females equally. But prevalence rates vary among populations. Compared to the U.S. population, for example, the prevalence rate is substantially lower in Israel about one per 500,000 and considerably higher in Japan about one per 600.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Freud said that whether we intend it or not, we're all poets. That's because on most nights, we dream. And dreams are lot like poetry, in that in both things, we express our internal life in similar ways. We use images more than words; we combine incongruent elements to evoke emotion in a more efficient way than wordier descriptions can; and we use unconscious and tangential associations rather than logic to tell a story.
While we are asleep, our brain can swift through different stages of sleep. In stage on you experience a drifting in and out of sleep. You can be easily woken up. Your eye movement and body movements slow down. You may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles. In stage 2 eye movement stops and your brain waves become slower. There will also be brief bursts of rapid brain activity called sleep spindles. Stage 3 is the first stage of deep sleep. The brain waves are a combination of slow waves, known as delta waves, combined with faster waves. During stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up. If you are woken up during this stage, you may feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes. Stage 4 sleep is the second stage of deep sleep. In this stage the brain is making the slow delta waves almost exclusively. In this stage it is also very difficult to wake someone up. Both stages of deep sleep are important for feeling refreshed in the morning. If these stages are too short, sleep will not feel satisfying. REM sleep is the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs. When you enter into REM sleep, your breathing becomes fast, irregular and shallow. Your eyes will move rapidly and your muscles become immobile. Heart rate and blood pressure increase. Men may develop erections. About 20 percent of sleep is REM sleep for adults.
With this this video I understood that in order to have a healthy life I need to sleep.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

When we saw this video, I leaned lots of interesting things about sensory deprivation. Sensory deprivation is a technique used by scientists to see how the brain reacts when people to not see, taste, smell, touch or hear. It is interesting to know that everyone might have a different reaction and by giving a glance to this video, it is understood that extroverted people suffer more.  It is interesting to see the different reactions people had. Some slept all the time, others were first called but after 12 hours were very frustrated. With this experiment it is interesting to understand the personality a person had and how do they react to this. It was also interesting to know that while they were in this experiment they were only given little food and water. Another interesting thing is that after several hours the people who’s arms were raped had to unwrap because of several complications. It was also interesting to see the reaction they had when they were told that the 48 hours finished. This is because a voice appeared from nowhere and they were already accustomed to silence. If I had to do this experiment I will probably sleep for a long period of time, but at the end will get very frustrated.


Synesthesia: a neurotically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.
Ordinal-Linguistic Personification : numbers, days of the week and months of the year take on personalities. 
Number-Form Synesthesia:  number, days of the week and or months of the year are seen imprecise locations in space

Sound-Color Synesthesia: certain sounds trigger the viewing of colors or simple shapes

Lexical-Gustatory Synesthesia: words cause specific taste sensations in the mouth. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mental Abilities: Genius, Savant and Autism

Explain in detail what "savant syndrome" means.
Savants are people who despite serious mental or physical disability have quite remarkable, and sometimes spectacular, talents. Savant syndrome is perhaps one of the most fascinating phenomena in the study of human differences and cognitive psychology. It is often claimed that, because of the extraordinary abilities involved, we will never truly understand human memory and cognition until we understand the savant. Savant syndrome is exceedingly rare, but a remarkable condition in which persons with autism, or other serious mental handicaps, or major mental illness, have astonishing islands of ability or brilliance that stand out in stark contrast to their overall disability.
What does genius mean?  Explain the difference between genius and savant.
Genius is actually very difficult to define. For one thing, it is quite a subjective label – for some, a genius is anyone with an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) higher than a certain value. Others, however, feel that IQ is a very poor and unrepresentative measure of a person’s total intelligence and therefore IQ scores are a poor reflection of real genius. Generally, it is accepted that a genius is not only someone with a very high IQ but also someone who breaks new ground with new ideas, discoveries, inventions or even works of art. In other words, a genius challenges the way other people view the field in which he works in – or even the world at large. The difference between genius and savant is that a genius is good at many areas while a savant is only good in an specific thing.  

What is a stroke and how could it affect your mental functioning?
A stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel or artery, or when a blood vessel breaks and interrupts blood flow to an and bleeding occurs into an area of the brain. The symptoms and effects vary according to the type of stroke, the part of the brain affected and the size of the damaged area. For some people the effects are severe, for some mild.  Usually the symptoms come on suddenly but they may come on during sleep.  Usually injury to one side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body.
What is a functional MRI and how does it help us understand brain activity?
Functional neuroimaging is the use of neuroimaging technology to measure an aspect of brain function, often with a view to understanding the relationship between activity in certain brain areas and specific mental functions. It is primarily used as a research tool in cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, and social neuroscience.
What is the corpus callosum and what role does it play in your brain's activity?
The Corpus Callosum is thought to have a hand in problem solving. During adolescence, the nerve fibers thicken and process information more efficiently over time.
What is epilepsy and how might it affect your brain's abilities?
Epilepsy is a condition in which people have epileptic attacks (also known as seizures). It is one of the more common neurological conditions, affecting 0.5-1 per cent of the population. Epilepsy is not a single condition, but a group of conditions with differing causes, treatments and prognoses. At present, most doctors would not diagnose a patient as epileptic if they had only suffered a single seizure. This is because epilepsy is defined as a condition in which patients have recurrent seizures.The brain is made up of a vast number of nerve cells (neurones) which communicate with each other through electrical signals. The interplay between these neurones has to be carefully regulated for the brain to function properly.
 What is autism?
Autism is a moderately rare condition resulting from a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. It is a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the developing brain, resulting in sometimes profound communicative, social and cognitive deficits
What is Asperger's Syndrome?
Asperger syndrome  is a form of  autism. The condition is characterized by difficulties with Social Interaction, Social Communication and Flexibility of Thinking or Imagination. In addition, there may be sensory, motor and organizational difficulties. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Accidental Genius
This video is one of my favorites because I leerned something new. This is what savants are. According to Dr. Darold Treffert, there are three types of savants: a normal savant who has a skill that is not useful, a gifted savant who has a conspicuous skill, and a prodigious savant who has an amazing skill. In this video several stories were narrated but that one that mostly impacted me was the one narrating Tommy McHigh life. He had an accident that caused him brain impairment. After this he became a savant. He was left him because he became obsessive with painting. Dr. Alice Flahery, from Hardvard University studied him and concludes that the bleeding caused by the damage on Tommy’s brain had caused pressure in his frontal and temporal lobes, producing instability and creativity. I believe it is very cool to be a savant but sometimes I would like to be consider normal then to be alone as Tommy is.
Make Me A Genius
This video was not my favorite but, it was very interesting to know that a person can memorize many chess games. Susan Polgar would prove she could be a master of the chess, when only men were considering being good on it.  When she was little, she was messing around her house and accidently found a chess game. She became fascinated with this and asked her father to teach her how to play.  As asked he did, and she became a genius on it. He took her to were he played, where only man played. At a young age Susan was the best chess player in the world. Which I believe is something AMAZING! She became better and better and at the age of 21, Susan was the #1 chess player in between 600 male players. But she did not stop. She defeated USA champion in less than 60 seconds. Although some won’t believe her story is amazing because it is related with chess, it is actually VERY VERY interesting. Without dough someone can become a genius in an area if they are constantly doing it…
In this video we saw an 8 year onld boy called mark who can play the piano as a professional person does. He’s life of a pianist started because hes mom cultivated it since he was very little because she wanted to be a pianist but because of her belief she could not. Since he was very little his mom stimulated marks brain. According to doctor godfrey mark is a genius. He says that one in a million is gifted the way mark was.  I think that knowing about marks life is very interesting. Personally I do believe he is a genius and want to be like him. It is also very interesting the passion this kid has for what he does. I believe it’s amazing that he practices 8 hours a day and that he knows from memory 40 songs. I also believe that it was a very touching moment when we saw in the video that he had the chance to meet his favorite piano artist.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Its very difficult do be ho you are when society judges you for every action or decision you take. Being your self is something you have to do EVERYTIME! During this week in class we watch a video of Homosexuality. The video narrates the life of two identical twins. The interesting part that one of the boy likes cars and the other one likes dolls, both of them are boys. My first reaction to this was, oh, that kid is weird. But then I started to think why we need to judge someone. We hate when people criticizes us, so why do it to another person just because of their sexuality? I personally do not believe gay people chose to be gay, in fact they are born gay. In this video I learn that baby boys are exposed to be gay when they are born because something of their moms can be passed on to them. Learning this was very interesting because it made me be tolerant to people’s sexuality. Not only I am going to respect this people but, now when I hear someone talking bad about them I will try to make that person regret what they are saying. Personally I believe that gay people are the bravest because being against the principles of society must be tough.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mind of a Murderer
This video made me see murders in a different way because before this video I thought they were crazy, insane, heartless people but, after watching this video I understood their behaviors and could actually judge their actions in a fair way. I personally it was interesting to know why a murderer does what they do (kill people). According to Dr. Dorothy Lewis, there is an explanation for their criminal behavior. After conducting evaluations on the subject, she discovered that there are three reasons behind their criminal behavior: brain damage, abuse, and mental illnesses. How in the world will thinks this is actually the reason… well in the video some examples are shown to demonstrate the world what really happens inside the mind of a murderer.  An example is Terrance Rainright. He killed his wife because according to him she was flirting on the phone. He stabbed her. Dr. Lewis studied Terrance’s case, which actually did match her studies. Terrance Rainright had brain damage from a car accident, his mother had abused him when he was a child, and he suffered from bipolarity and depression. As a child, Terrance had witnessed how his mother was sexually abused by his father and also how his mother stabbed her own husband. But because this area of study (psychology) is not 100% accurate, nor is it reliable, people cannot declare that killers are evil because they have developed mental problems. I personally believe that more studies should be made because people who are very religious might not like this idea or don’t believe on it. I personally believe it is just that we know how the feedback on why this people react the way they do, but strongly believe that this should not be use to just peoples bad decisions.
Living With Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury occurs when an external force traumatically injures the brain. The tree types of brain injuries are the contusion which is bruise, the axonal injury which is the damage of neurons, and the bleeding inside the brain which basically is the accumulation of pressure inside the brain. It’s amazing that almost a quarter of a million of Americans are hospitalized every year with brain injuries.
The most common causes of TBI include violence, transportation accidents, construction, and sports. Between 1.6 and 3.8 million traumatic brain injuries each year are a result of sports accidents.
Diagnosis is suspected based on lesion circumstances and clinical evidence, most prominently a neurological examination, for example checking whether the pupils constrict normally in response to light and assigning a Glasgow Coma Score.
The people who were in this video really touched my heart, specially Brain. Let’s better say he not only touched my heart but he changed my life… I realize that sometimes I’m mad because of something little and say I hate my life or something like that but, know I want to be just like him, A HAPPY PERSON! Although he has a brain injury he is a lovely person, especially with his son. He does not care he has a problem; he’s always the same person.

                                        MIND READING
Have you ever imagine what will you do if you could reed someone’s mind? It will be very interesting to ask someone what they think about you and what they actually say… Mind reading is assuming special knowledge of the intentions or thoughts of others. Mind reading is considered a myth, but with the advance in technology scientists have actually managed to look inside people's brain and understanding what they are thinking about. It is common to think that mind reading is only for people with super natural abilities, but in reality scientists have been working on exploring the brain and actually analyzing our thoughts. Now through functional MRI it makes it possible for scientists to do thought identification (mind reading). When people are put to the test they are made to think about an object for example hammer, then what the MRI does is detect the parts of the brain that you brain uses to detect hammer, and n people it is mostly the same parts. Scientists can also tell what people’s intentions are. For example they might show you two numbers and you think either of subtracting or adding, the MRI will detect what were your intentions in that specific situation. Other MRIs can tell if you are lying or not, others tell whether you had seen a place before or not. These technological advances will soon be used in criminal investigations to know if a person is lying about what they are ask to testify.  This will be very good because problems will be solve quickly and the people who are innocent will not pay for others bad actions…

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Teenage Brain

Watching this video in psychology helped me understand why teenager act the way they. It was interesting how I could relate myself with what the video was informing. For example it is said that teenagers have to sleep 9 hours, yet many don’t do it; this including me. When I don’t sleep well (which is most of the time) I don’t pay attention in class and most of the day I feel weak. Another thing I related with was the fact that my emotions change so quickly. One day I can be happy, the other sand, and back again I could be happy. Sometimes I thought it was only me, but this video made me realize that teenagers are all the same way. It was also interesting how I could relate my life to some of the examples of families the video gave. For example my brother and I always fight for non sense things and say tell each other that we hate ourselves but 5 minutes later we act as if nothing happened. In conclusion, this video helped me in the understanding of who was I and that I’m not the only person that acts the way I do.